Highway 22 Vertical Clearance Improvement
Project Details:
Owner: Oregon Department of Transportation
Contractor: Farline Bridge, Inc.
Project Location: Aumsville, Oregon
Engineering Service: Construction Support Engineering
Key Staff:
Bridger Johnson
Project Summary:
The Albus Road Bridge near Aumsville, Oregon was constructed in 1960 with 15’ clearance over Highway 22 Eastbound. In 2012, McGee Engineering performed contractor design services for the bridge raising plan, temporary bracing and permanent supports to raise the bridge for 17’-0” highway clearance.
The 5-span bridge was constructed on a vertical curve, which allowed for more clearance over the Westbound lanes than the Eastbound lanes. To minimize the grading and intersection modifications at the North end of the bridge, ODOT directed the Contractor to raise the bridge 6” at the North end and 2’-6” at the South end.
McGee Engineering worked with Farline Bridge to develop a raising plan that protected the bridge from potential damage caused by the differential raising. The 45-degree skew, superelevation, and weak superstructure connections added complexity to the project. Careful attention to bracing details, jack sequencing, and continuous monitoring of the bridge proved to make the project successful as the bridge was raised over two days without damage.
Project Gallery:
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